South actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya announced their separation in October last year. The fans were heartbroken by the news of their separation. Now Samantha has unfollowed her ex-husband on Instagram. Although Naga is still following Samantha. After unfollowing Naga, Samantha shared a cryptic post on Instagram Story.
- Samantha did a cryptic post
Samantha wrote in her post, "Sometimes the inner strength is not a flame that can be seen by all. Sometimes it is like a small spark, which is very quiet. Just keep moving forward, you got it. " Along with this, Samantha has written using the hashtag in it that her mother told her this.
The actress also deleted all the photos she shared with Naga from her Instagram account a few weeks after her divorce last year. These photos included photos from the wedding to celebrating the holiday together.
Credit: Bollywood Hungama |
- The divorce was announced on October 2
Samantha wrote on her social media account on October 2, "I want to tell all our well-wishers that after much deliberation, me and Chia (Naga Chaitanya) decided to go our separate ways as husband and wife. I have decided to part ways. We are fortunate that a friendship of over a decade was a core part of our relationship and we believe that we will always have a special bond." Let us tell you that Samantha and Naga tied the knot in Goa in the year 2017.